Support Inclusive Sports & Active Lifestyles with Playing It Forward & The Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF)


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Playing It Forward is proud to support the great work of the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF). We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to play sports and lead an active lifestyle, regardless of any physical challenges they may face. Our partnership with CAF allows us to make this a reality for individuals who would otherwise not have access to the adaptive sports equipment and programming they need.

At Playing It Forward, we understand the importance of supporting the organizations and individuals that make these opportunities available. We are committed to helping CAF and its athletes fulfill their mission of creating a more inclusive and healthier world. When you purchase our products, you are helping us contribute to this cause.

The Challenged Athletes Foundation is a nonprofit organization that provides resources and support to individuals with physical challenges so they can pursue sports and active lifestyles. CAF’s programs include adaptive sports clinics, grants for adaptive sports equipment, and athlete mentoring. CAF also provides resources to help athletes find coaches, training partners, and other support services.

CAF’s programs are designed to help individuals with physical challenges participate in sports and lead active lifestyles. Through their adaptive sports clinics, athletes can learn to use their adaptive sports equipment safely and properly. The grants for adaptive sports equipment help athletes purchase the equipment they need to participate in sports. And the athlete mentoring program helps athletes develop their skills and gain confidence in their abilities.

At Playing It Forward, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to play sports and lead an active lifestyle. We are proud to partner with the Challenged Athletes Foundation and support their mission of creating a better, healthier and more inclusive world. By purchasing our products, you are directly contributing to this cause and helping to make a difference in the lives of individuals with physical challenges. We thank you for your support and for helping us make this a reality.

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